HPM Insurance Blog

Open Enrollment and What You Need to Know to Get NH Health Insurance

Written by April Weismann | Oct 26, 2017 6:18:44 PM

You cannot listen to the news without hearing something about health insurance. Unfortunately, the cascade of information has caused a lot of confusion for people. HPM Insurance wants to cut through the noise and provide the facts you need to make a decision about your health care plan for 2018.

Here is What You Need to Know About Open Enrollment for 2018 NH Health Insurance

What does Open Enrollment Mean?

Open Enrollment, in regard to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), means that there is a specific window of time when one can apply for health insurance through the government’s Health Insurance Marketplace. If this window is missed, there are only certain circumstances that would allow you to enroll outside the window. If you miss it, you would most likely have to wait until the next enrollment period, which at this time, is done once a year.

When is Open Enrollment?

To obtain a health insurance plan for 2018 for all individual plans, whether through the Health Insurance Marketplace or not, or with or without a subsidy, you must enroll between November 1, 2017 through December 15, 2017.

What are the certain circumstances that would allow me to enroll in a health insurance plan outside the Open Enrollment Period?

If you miss the Open Enrollment Period, you would need to qualify for a Special Enrollment Period because of a significant life event such as losing health coverage through an employer, getting married or having a baby. Other life changing events that may qualify you for the Special Enrollment Period include:

  • Loss of eligibility of Medicaid
  • Loss of eligibility of Medicare
  • Loss of health coverage through employer or COBRA
  • Loss of coverage through a family member

Where do I go to apply for an individual or family health insurance policy during open enrollment?

The best place to go is through a licensed insurance agent or broker who is appointed with the Health Insurance Marketplace, such as HPM Insurance.  Their agents can independently guide you through your best options, whether it is in the Exchange or not.  As they are experienced with navigating the challenges of the Affordable Care Act they can help you save time and money.

If you are a do-it-yourself person, you can also go directly to the exchange via the government’s website at Healthcare.gov. 

If i already have a health insurance plan through the ACA Marketplace – do I need to do anything to ensure I keep my plan in 2018?

Your plan will automatically renew unless your current insurance company is no longer going to sell health insurance in New Hampshire in 2018, like Minuteman Health.  

Regardless of whether you keep the same plan or not, you should log into your Marketplace account and review all your information, especially your household income.  You can also compare 2018 plans and select a new one if desired. 

Health Insurance is critical for you and your family’s wellbeing and financial security. Don’t let the stress of a magnitude of information get in the way of getting you what is the best option.  Stay healthy!